Saturday, October 8, 2022
- What schools are closed today in connecticut
These Connecticut schools will be closed or starting late Monday due to COVID.Closings or No School Announcements | New Hartford CT
Some Connecticut schools will be closed to start the week as they face a growing number of COVID cases among students and staff after the holidays. The superintendent said the district will be treating the missed time as inclement weather days. The state no longer counts remote learning days toward the day school calendar.
Stonington schools will be closed Monday and Tuesday. District officials said Tuesday will be a professional development day for staff. Westport schools will be closed Monday so faculty and staff can meet to discuss how they will prepare for an expected growing number of absences among students and staff, the superintendent said. Easton-Redding-Region 9 school district will have a two-hour delay Monday. Teachers are expected to report to schools as usual. Officials with Norwalk Public Schools said some buses for middle schools and late-start elementary schools may be running behind schedule Monday morning as some drivers are expected to cover additional routes after their regular runs are completed.
In New Haven, public school officials said bus routes are expected to have significant delays for arrival and dismissal starting Monday and continuing through the week because of the number of drivers out due to COVID.
Officials urged any parents or guardians to drive their children to school this week, if possible, to help alleviate some of the delays. The schools reported 59 absent teachers, but the school was still able to operate normally.
More News. Candlewood Lake is top priority in CT House race. In-Depth Coverage. What Biden's clearing of cannabis charges means for CT.
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